


#include <def2191.h>
#include "def2191bit.h"
#include <sysreg.h>
#include <signal.h>

#define BUFSIZE 6

struct TDMADescriptor 
        int configuration, startPage, startAddress, count;
        struct TDMADescriptor * nextDescriptor;

int rxBuffer[BUFSIZE*2], txBuffer[BUFSIZE*2];
struct TDMADescriptor  rxTCB1, rxTCB2, txTCB1, txTCB2;

void sportRxHandler( int sig );
void sportTxHandler( int sig );
void setupSport( void );
void setupTCB( void );
void reset1885( void );

int main(void)
        reset1885( );
        interrupt( SIG_INT5, sportRxHandler );          // SIG_INT5 is default interupt for SPORT0 RX
        interrupt( SIG_INT6, sportTxHandler );          // SIG_INT6 is default interupt for SPORT0 RX
        enable_interrupts();                            // グローバル割り込みイネーブル
        setupTCB();                                                                     // TCB Configuratoin
        setupSport();                                                           // SPORT0 Configuration
        while ( 1 )

void setupSport( void )

        sysreg_write( sysreg_IOPG, SPORT0_Controller_Page );

                // Disabling
        io_space_write( SP0DR_CFG, 0 );         // RX DMA Disable
        io_space_write( SP0DT_CFG, 0 );         // TX DMA Disable
        io_space_write( SP0_RCR, 0 );           // RX disable
        io_space_write( SP0_TCR, 0 );           // TX disable

                        // RX setting.
        io_space_write( SP0_RFSDIV, 255 );              // 256 bit per frame
        io_space_write( SP0_MRCS0, 0x003f );    // only 6 channel
        io_space_write( SP0_MRCS1, 0 ); 
        io_space_write( SP0_MRCS2, 0 ); 
        io_space_write( SP0_MRCS3, 0 ); 
        io_space_write( SP0_MRCS4, 0 ); 
        io_space_write( SP0_MRCS5, 0 ); 
        io_space_write( SP0_MRCS6, 0 ); 
        io_space_write( SP0_MRCS7, 0 ); 

        io_space_write( SP0DR_CP, (int) &rxTCB1 );      // set chain pointer
        io_space_write( SP0DR_CPR, 1 );         // ready descriptor pointer
        io_space_write( SP0DR_CFG, DEN );

                        // TX setting
        io_space_write( SP0_TFSDIV, 255 );              // 256 bit per frame
        io_space_write( SP0_MTCS0, 0x003f );    // only 6 channel
        io_space_write( SP0_MTCS1, 0 ); 
        io_space_write( SP0_MTCS2, 0 ); 
        io_space_write( SP0_MTCS3, 0 ); 
        io_space_write( SP0_MTCS4, 0 ); 
        io_space_write( SP0_MTCS5, 0 ); 
        io_space_write( SP0_MTCS6, 0 ); 
        io_space_write( SP0_MTCS7, 0 ); 

        io_space_write( SP0DT_CP, (int) &txTCB1 );      // set chain pointer
        io_space_write( SP0DT_CPR, 1 );         // ready descriptor pointer
        io_space_write( SP0DT_CFG, DEN );

                // start operation.
        io_space_write( SP0_MCMC1, 0 << WOFF_OFST | 1 << WSIZE_OFST | 1 << MFD_OFST | MCM );
        io_space_write( SP0_MCMC2, MCDRXPE | MCDTXPE );
        io_space_write( SP0_RCR,  IRFS | SLEN_16 | RSPEN );
        io_space_write( SP0_TCR,  IRFS | SLEN_16 | TSPEN );

void setupTCB( void )
                        // setting up the DMA TCB1
        rxTCB1.configuration = DOWN | DCOME | TRAN | DEN;
        rxTCB1.startPage = 0;
        rxTCB1.startAddress = (int)rxBuffer;
        rxTCB1.count = BUFSIZE;
        rxTCB1.nextDescriptor = &rxTCB2;
                        // setting up the DMA TCB2
        rxTCB2.configuration = DOWN | DCOME | TRAN | DEN;
        rxTCB2.startPage = 0;
        rxTCB2.startAddress = (int)&rxBuffer[BUFSIZE];
        rxTCB2.count = BUFSIZE;
        rxTCB2.nextDescriptor = &rxTCB1;

                                // setting up the DMA TCB1
        txTCB1.configuration = DOWN | DCOME | DEN;
        txTCB1.startPage = 0;
        txTCB1.startAddress = (int)txBuffer;
        txTCB1.count = BUFSIZE;
        txTCB1.nextDescriptor = &txTCB2;
                        // setting up the DMA TCB2
        txTCB2.configuration = DOWN | DCOME | DEN;
        txTCB2.startPage = 0;
        txTCB2.startAddress = (int)&txBuffer[BUFSIZE];
        txTCB2.count = BUFSIZE;
        txTCB2.nextDescriptor = &txTCB1;

int count = 0;
void sportRxHandler( int sig )

        sysreg_write( sysreg_IOPG, SPORT0_Controller_Page );
        io_space_write( SP0DR_IRQ, 1 );         // clear interrupt from SP0 RX

        if ( !( rxTCB1.configuration & DOWN ) ) // Descriptor2 Finish?
                rxTCB1.configuration |= DOWN;   // give ownership of TCB1 to DMA engine.
                rxTCB2.configuration |= DOWN;   // give ownership of TCB2 to DMA engine.


void sportTxHandler( int sig )

        sysreg_write( sysreg_IOPG, SPORT0_Controller_Page );
        io_space_write( SP0DT_IRQ, 1 );         // clear interrupt from SP0 TX

        if ( !( txTCB1.configuration & DOWN ) ) // Descriptor2 Finish?
                txTCB1.configuration |= DOWN;   // give ownership of TCB1 to DMA engine.
                txTCB2.configuration |= DOWN;   // give ownership of TCB2 to DMA engine.

        count ++;
void reset1885( void )
                int curDIR, curIOPG, i;
                curIOPG = sysreg_read( sysreg_IOPG );
                sysreg_write( sysreg_IOPG, General_Purpose_IO );
                curDIR = io_space_read( DIR );                  // get the current Direction Setting
                io_space_write( DIR, curDIR | 0x0080 );         // set PF7 output ( AD1885 /reset )
                io_space_write( FLAGC, 0x0080 );                // asseart /reset_ad1885
                for ( i=0; i<160; i++ )
                        asm volatile( "nop;" );
                io_space_write( FLAGS, 0x0080 );                // asseart /reset_ad1885
                sysreg_write( sysreg_IOPG, curIOPG );


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